Photo by Hartwig HKD
There are some things that just make me happy, like sitting in a park and watching aeroplanes flying through a blanket of clouds. Certain music tracks. What a joy it is to plug in some earphones and cancel out all the noise apart from what you are choosing to listen to. A glass of water when you’re really thirsty. The relaxation part at the end of a yoga class, when you’re drifting somewhere between simple thoughts and sleep. A hot bath when my Kindle is charged so I don’t have to choose between candlelight and squinting at a paperback. A morning free for writing with no chores or phone calls lined up. Gigs where no one cares what they look like and only the music matters. One on one conversation, when you look someone in the eye, and know you just get each other. An afternoon in a gallery with a sketchpad, though I can’t draw. A walk in wellies in woods damp from rain. A hug you don’t ask for or need.
It’s the simple things. I wonder how varied we are in our happy lists. Be happy, all. Till next time